1. Rieke is clever and kind. Moreover, she is friendly. Many people like her.
2. The test was difficult. In addition, the time was also limited. Consequently,many students god bad marks.
3. It is raining hard. Futhermore, Ryan’s house is a long way from school. Therefore, he will wait until the rain stops.
-Moreover, use for augmentation
-Consequently, use for result,conclusion,summary
-In addition, use for augmentation
-Futhermore, use for augmentation
-Therefore, use for conclusion, summary
You can use “moreover” to replace “and in addition.” It normally begins the second independent clause in a sentence, following a semicolon.Moreover is a transition, so you use it to make something follow another.
Here’s an example with correct punctuation:
-The hairdresser had dyed his hair the wrong color; moreover, the hair turned green when she tried to correct the error.
You use furthermore to add more information to what was already said or written.Futhermore is transitions part of the Academic Word List and almost always used at the beginning of a sentence.
We believe that the project is possible. Furthermore, we believe that we can do it within a few months.
In addition
In addition, additionally or also, joins two sentences (independent clauses.) The word introduces additional information. These words are often called transition words or conjunctive adverbs. (Also tends to be less formal than in addition or additionally).
-Anne and Alex act and sing. In addition, they dance.
-She must dance gracefully. In addition, she must dance precisely.
Therefore - (used to introduce a logical conclusion) from that fact or reason or as a result; it’s a conjunctive adverb (the term is not important!).
-those people have their umbrellas up: therefore, it must be raining
-they heard the warning on the radio and therefore took another route
“Consequently” is very similar to “so” and “therefore.” Like “therefore” it’s a conjunctive adverb (the term is not important!). It usually appears in the middle of sentence, but it may also be used at the beginning of sentence. If you know what the word “consequence” means, you shouldn’t have any trouble with this.
-Hector decided not to use a map; consequently, he got lost and never found his way out of the forest. There he died.
-Gas prices rose too high for Matt to afford; consequently, he sold his car and made his daily commute by bike.
-Astronomy has been an interest of human beings for centuries; consequently, our curiousity has led to a better undersanding of our place in the solar system and human space exploration.
-Poachers have hunted and killed too many elephants for their tusks; consequently, they have become an endangered species in some parts of the world.
- An adequate water supply is important to a farmer’s success; consequently, irrigation is used in places where water is in short supply.
-Hector was a very good student who studied constantly; consequently, he found a very good job after he graduated from college.
-The United States suffered terribly under incompetent Republican leadership during the 2000s; consequently, the Democrats easily won in the November 2008 elections
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